
New partnership between the Student Office and the Alumni network
Rennes SB Alumni Association is very happy of the partnership recently set up with the student bureau "Krak Rennes". It goal is to create and enhance links betwenn students and graduates.
This initiative is supported by 2 Alumni Committee members: Alice CAILLOSSE - IBPM 8 and Rémi RIVAS - PGE 17. Students (PGE 30) are already involved in this project: Nicolas ANCELLIN, Amelys AMGHAR, Thomas SCHOTT, Maha TIRABOSCHI and Jade DIEP. They are currently recruiting a team who will join the "Alumni Club", linked to the student bureau.
1st achievment: students who took part in the integration week organised by the student office received a deck of cards in the colors of the Alumni association in their "Welcome Packs".
To be posted about the partnership and its achievments, you can follow the Facebook page of the Club:
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