
Entrepreneurship Awards 2020: apply online
Entrepreneur's Club Rennes School of Business Alumni organises in 2020 the 8th edition of the Entrepreneurship Awards, contest aiming at supporting business creation or developemnt. At stake:
- A financial endowment by Rennes SB Alumni: each of the 3 winners will receive an award of €3,000
- Support by In Extenso for the 3 winners: financial structuring of the project and drawing up financial forecasts
- A proposal of support by Faster Capital for the 6 finalists: evaluation and analysis of the Business Plan, possibility to enter its incubation programme, providing 50% of the capital funding to support the technological development of the product or solution, support financing efforts, support in the distribution or visibility of the product through use of its internation network
Conditions of participation:
- Be the project leader in a business creation project;
- Have a company that has been registered with a trade and companies register in France or abroad for a period of less than 36 months (as of the 22 November 2020) and that has been registered before the date of 22 November 2020.
Registration: an online application form must be submitted on the following platform, before 9 October 2020 at 12pm (Paris time):
The 3 winning projects will be announced online during the week of 23 to 27 November 2020.
Attached documents (find them in the upper part of this page): regulations of the competition (PDF - English version starts in page 10) + Application form (Word - Template provided by the organiser in French and English - IMPORTANT: fill in the requested template).
Just like the previous winners did, try your luck!
For any question, contact us by e-mail :
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