Back on 2021 key moments
10 January 2022
Viewed 285 times
Traditionally, starting a new year also gives us the opportunity to look back on the previous year.
Your Alumni network is organised around 4 BU, they all contribute to its development. Here are the main realisations of 2021:
ANIMATION BU (supervision : Jack Paul DAVIDSON - PGE 1 & Anthony-Victor MEHL - PGE 18)
- Creation of the Alumni Festival: a key moment of rallying among the volunteers to illustrate the dynamism and diversity of our meetings.
- + 49% of unique participants to our events
- About 100 events organised, twice more Club events
- In France (Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Lille, Strasbourg, Nantes, Bordeaux, Nice, etc.) or abroad
- Online
- Different topics: business, afterworks, leisure activities, carreer, etc.
COMMUNICATION BU (supervision : Elodie BRASEY - PGE 20)
- new organisation of the activity, with a recruitment: Margaux GESLIN
- new website released in July 2021
- + 15,000 visitors on the website during the year (+68%)
- New tool to send our newsletters: opening rate improved by 5 points
- +19 % subscribers on our social networks (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
- Twice as much posts, impressions and interactions on our social networks
CAREER BU (supervision : Florence PAINCHAUD - PGE 3 & Bérengère DELON - PGE 13)
- New organisation of the activity, with a recruitment: Maya GRASSI (PGE 20)
- Developpment goal for 2022:
- Individuel support maintained and reinforced
- New implementation of the offer of events: workshops, conferences, webinars (enclosed: calendar of events from January to June 2022)
MANAGEMENT BU (supervision : Christophe DARDE - PGE 21)
- 10 000 mises à jour dans l'annuaire en ligne alumni
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