Club Entrepreneur - "Zoho" Workshop
Go to French version for further detail, as the workshop will be organised in French.
Go to French version for further detail, as the workshop will be organised in French.
Event online in French From the OECD to Bill Gates and Emmanuel Macron, everyone is talking about innovation as THE solution to all the ills of the 21st century. Unfortunately,...
Everything you need to know to run a successful workshop Best practices, mistakes to avoid, and tips from consultantsEvent in French, on Paris Campus. Come and deepen your facilitation practices with feedback from Rémi Rivas and Pierre Salomé, co-leaders of Club Innovation and seasoned...
Inside French Tech (season 2)Event in French Find out how Next40 & FT 120 companies (Alma, Lydia, JellySmack, Alan) have increased the effectiveness of their sales! In our first French Tech 2023 edition, we...
How to set up effective gamified courses!Event in French Gamification, nudge, dark patterns, so much anglicism and technical jargon to untangle. We invite you to come and explore this jungle, and learn in concrete terms...