
Vote for 2020-2022 Rennes SB Alumni Committee
We are pleased to show off the candidates for 2020-2022 Rennes SB Alumni Committee.
(*) Committee members 2018-2020 who are standing for a new election in Committee 2020-2022
Regarding to Association's statutes, we remind you that the Committee is elected by lifelong network members for 2 years and must be made up of 10 to 20 members.
Lifelong members are invited to vote online, by logging in to their personnal account on our website before June 9, 2020.
2020-2022 Committee members will elect the Board, who will run the association.
I count on you to elect your Committee members for 2020-2022, by selecting at least 10 candidates among the 24 names proposed via your personal area on our website.
View candidates intentions by clicking on the "PDF" icon on the top of this news.
The current Board will count the votes in June and inform the candidates personnally of their election. The results will be communicated during the General Assembly to lifelong members, on June 25th.
Rennes SB Alumni President
NB : if you do not manage to log in to your personal account, please use the "forgotten password" tool. If you are still in trouble, you can contact us by e-mail :
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