
Call for applications: Committee 2022-2024
28 April 2022
Viewed 885 times
The Committee
10 to 20 members, elected for a 2 years renewable mandate. They are volunteers.
Officially elects the Board members among its members.
You can't be a Committee member if you are not a lifelong member (graduate and subscribing member) of the association and in full possession of your civic and civil rights.
Its role
- approves strategic guidelines of the Association
- approves the provisional annual budget proposed by the Board.
- consulted in important decision-making concerning the Association and systematically for important financial commitment
Its members
promote the association, the network and its services
attend quaterly meetings and big events
take part in the organisation of Clubs, Ambassadors and / or project groups

Election process:
- 28 April - 28 May 2022: candidates must be declared by e-mail
- 30 May - 13 June 2022: lifelong members will vote online to elect Committee members among candidates
- 28 June 2022: Committee members and Board members will be introduced to our community, during our AGM, organised both in Paris and online.
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